
Cat’Art, international centre for research and creation
Visual arts, writing, performing arts, music…

Cat’Art is a place where the diversity of the art expressions is encouraged and where the exchanges between cultures from all over the world can be developed, so that the art expression remains a universal language.

There are still opportunities of residency in spring 2007 at Cat’Art.
Application open to professional artists only, for temporary stays from 2 weeks to 1 year.
Average residency fee: 600 € (lodging, studio and energy costs included). Detailed estimation of costs on request.

Every resident has his/her own independent bedroom with common cooking facilities.

Space for the creation:
9 independent studios from 30 to 200 m²;
3 individual rooms for writers;
a 140 m² room with excellent natural light and good show conditions to visualize the works;
a specialized library with permanent Internet connection.

The environment is exceptional (unspoilt nature, mountains, lake, in the south of France). The region has a rich historical background (Cathar castles, old city of Carcassonne and above all the cave of Niaux with its original paintings). Close by cultural centres, like Toulouse, Montpellier, Barcelona.

More details and application to residency on our website