ASPECT seeks submissions

Liz Nofziger:

ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art is currently accepting submissions of work best documented with video for the next two issues-

RURAL: calling all artists exploring the pastoral...all ranges of real and imagined bucolic ideals, verdant fears, and agrarian desires.

ARTE DE LAS AMERICAS: seeking pioneering new media work created by artists living in, or hailing from, South and/or Latin America.

The staff of ASPECT is asking curators, art critics, and members of the contemporary art community to help assemble and comment on works for the next issues by submitting a work of art on which they wish to provide audio commentary. Due to the format of the publication, the criteria for selection will include both the qualifications of the commentator and the quality of the work submitted. Audio recordings of the commentary
will be assembled after the submissions have been selected.

Submissions must include:
* Video documentation of a work or small group of works by a single artist
* Resume of the artist
* Contact information for the commentator and artist
* Resume of the commentator
* Brief notes outlining the contents of the proposed commentary
* If you would like us to return your materials, please include a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope). Otherwise, we will keep your work on file for further consideration.

Submissions must be received by April 2, 2007 and sent to:
Aspect Magazine
46 Waltham Street, suite 103
Boston, MA 02118

All artists will be contacted via email no later than May 2, 2007.

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