Visual Music Marathon


12-hour screening of time-based art works

NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY TO HOST VISUAL MUSIC MARATHON: BOSTON, Mass. - Northeastern University will host the first-ever Visual Music Marathon, a 12-hour screening of time-based art works that reflect the convergence of musical composition and animated images, as part of this year's Boston Cyberarts Festival. The Marathon will be held on Saturday, April 28 from 10am to 10pm, in the University's Raytheon Amphitheater, located in the Egan Research Center on Forsyth Street.

"Visual music is an interdisciplinary artistic genre with roots dating back hundreds of years," says Northeastern professor Dennis Miller, the event's artistic director and principal curator.

"The emergence of film and video in the 20th century allowed this genre to reach its full potential, with Walt Disney's Fantasia serving as a groundbreaking example. The artworks we are screening all take a modern perspective on this idea."

Northeastern has received over 300 artist submissions for the Marathon, representing works from 34 different countries. The Marathon will showcase historic and new works, as well as live video performance art. All new works presented at the Marathon will be included in a special permanent collection that will be housed in Northeastern's Snell Library. Larry Cuba of the Iota Center, Los Angeles, and Bruce Wands of the New York Digital Salon and School of Visual Arts will also curate portions of the event.

The Visual Music Marathon is a joint effort between Northeastern's Department of Music and the Multimedia Studies Program. For a preview of works to be shown at the event, visit


About the Boston Cyberarts Festival: The 2007 Boston Cyberarts Festival will take place from April 20 to May 6 at museums, galleries, theatres, universities, and public spaces in and around the Boston area. The Festival is the first and largest collaboration of artists working in new technologies in all media in North America, encompassing visual arts, dance, music, electronic literature, web art, and public art.

About Northeastern: Founded in 1898, Northeastern University is a private research university located in the heart of Boston. Northeastern is a leader in interdisciplinary research, urban engagement, and the integration of classroom learning with real-world experience. The university's distinctive cooperative education program, where students alternate semesters of full-time study with semesters of paid work in fields relevant to their professional interests and major, is one of the largest and most innovative in the world. The University offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate and graduate programs leading to degrees through the doctorate in six undergraduate colleges, eight graduate schools, and two part-time divisions.