Call for entries: Slowtime 2007
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne:

Call for entries
Deadline 31 March 2007
Slowtime 2007 -
Quicktime as an artistic medium
Cinematheque -
is the centre for streaming media in the framework of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne -, and will open in 2007 - Cinema_C by launching the new show, entitled:
"Slowtime 2007 - Quicktime as an artistic medium".
Already in 2003, Cinematheque was exploring the artistic potential of the popular streaming videoformat
Quicktime as it can be visited in Cinema_B (access via the Cinematheque site). As Quicktime was undergoing a rapid technological development during the past years, it is time again for exploring the current state of Quicktime and its use as a medium for artistic expressions.
Cinematheque is inviting artists, video and film makers to submit up to three videos in Quicktime format - originating from 2004 or later, preferably sized 480x360 px, but not smaller than 320x240 px, a maximum duration of 6 minutes and make them available online on a separate webpage for review and download.
Please find the call, the regulations and entry form on
Cinematheque at MediaCentre
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[NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne -
the experimental platform for art and New Media operating from Cologne/Germany.
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