Upgrade! Tel Aviv-Jerusalem


On Sound 2

Upgrade! Tel Aviv-Jerusalem :: February 13, 2007, 8:00 pm :: Barbur, Shirizli st. 6, Nachlaot, Jerusalem :: Free Entrance On Sound 2: Two presentations: Tom Tlalim (IL/NL): "Quantasonic" (Tlalim / Johansons) >> Live Performance >> Eran Sachs: "Critical Narrative and the Semantics of Sound Installations" (IL).

Tom Tlalim - computer musician, composer and improviser. Created unconventional musical structures, explores noise overdrive and feedback in the digital domain. He holds MA from the Royal conservatory of The Hague, the Netherlands, where he lives and works since 2000. Tlalim has performed extensively in Europe and outside of it, among others at ResonanceFM (UK), Huddersfield contemporary music festival (UK), Piksel FLOSS event (NO), BimHuis(NL), Night of the unexpected (Paradiso, NL), State-X new forms (NL), Gaudeamus live electronic festival (NL), Audio Art Festival (PL), Int. Oud festival (IL), Cerkno jazz festival (SLO).

He co-curates events in collaboration with POW ensemble, TAG, Noisecape festival, Edits and presents UCON - a radio show together with Jan Truetzschler radio.sampleandhold.org, Tlalim has collaborated with many artist and musicians including Joseph Bowie, father of the funk-noise combo Defunkt, DJ DNA of the Urban Dance Squad, composer and sonologist Richard Barrett, noise artist Gilles Aubry, visual/sound artists Voldemars Johansons, Joost Nieuwenburg, saxophonist Keir Neuringer, turntablist Takuro Mitsuta Lippit a.k.a DJ sniff, dutch improviser Luc Houtkamp and others.

Quantasonic: development of the installation by Voldemars Johansons and Tom Tlalim: a performance and composition environment for organization of audiovisual processes using n-dimensional space as a control metaphor. The environment introduces a novel approach to control over masses of data deriving from granular synthesis concept, according to which all matter, including sound and light, comprises of particle motion in space. This concept is applied to abstract data structures which are interpreted as particles in a multidimentional space and rendered as sound and image. The process results in a dynamic audiovisual landscape in which the spectator is invited to experience an immersive data field.

Space is a basic concept and entity used in the QS environment due to its familiarity to human perception largely by visual means. Any organization of matter in a space, physical or virtual, complex or simple, can instantly be recognized as a structure or form (abstraction process), thus greatly reducing the number of parameters involved in the perceptual process.

Within the framework of the project, we are aiming to develop an audiovisual installation that summarizes our recent experimentation and discoveries in using information structures as source for synchronous visual and acoustic content. Based on the notion of space, sound, and vision as the basic essential domains that constitute human understanding and perception, we are searching for ways to present anonymous data structures and place them within the context of audiovisual space.

Performance: "Impulse - stretch - feedback -- resonance" :: 15'-20' long :: Tom Tlalim -- Computer, Microphone, pedals:

The piece draws influence from gestalt ideas regarding perception, pattern recognition within etc. Physical/practical processes related to the performance techniqe, decision-making and the various limitations of the instrument, make the raw material to be transformed during the structure of the piece.

Eran Sachs: Critical Narrative and the Semantics of Sound Installations" :: Eran Sachs works as composer, improviser, sound-artist and curator in Jerusalem. As an improviser Sachs has collaborated with Oren Ambarchi, Thomas Koener, Marc Behrens, Achim Wollscheid, @c and many others, mainly playing his self-developed system, the No-Input-Mixer, which he has been playing since 1998. He plays this machine regularily in the Doom-Dub-Noise outfit Lietterschpich and John Zorn's "Cobra" improvising ensemble in Israel. He has presented his works and compositions in such festivals as Sonorities (Belfast), Transmediale (Berlin) and Theaterformen (Hannover), as well as spaces and platforms such as Sonic Square (Brusseles), Podewil (Berlin), Melkweg (Amsterdam), Israeli Cinemateques, Kulturbunker (Cologne), Muffathalle (Munich), Sonic Process, Heara and many others. His work "Studio" with sculptor Eytan Ronel was awarded the Excellence Award by the NY International Fringe Festival.

Sachs is also has collaborated extensively with sound artist Sebastian Meissner (Klimek, Random INC.), with whom he has recently released "Into The Void" (on Sub Rosa), a reflection on the old abandonded Jewish quarter Kazimierz in the city of Krakow. His works have been released on Mille Plateaux and Sub-Rosa, as well as various labels in Israel. As a sound-artist his works tend fuse the sonic with the political, as in the case of "Yannun Yannun", which portrays the harrasment of Palestinian villagers by fanatic right-wing settlers. He founded and managed the Yad-Vashem bookstore - the only holocaust dedicated bookstore in Israel.