Timo Kahlen


Ephemeral Media

left : "Media Dirt", 2004. Sound installation based on ephemeral, interfering radio waves at KIASMA National Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki, Finland // right : "UR", 2006. Net art / interactive sound piece. Courtesy Ruine der Kuenste Berlin.

Sound and media artist Timo Kahlen (*1966, living and working in Berlin) has been nominated for the German national "Sound Art Prize 2006". He has been working with immaterial and ephemeral media (light, sound, wind, radiation) for more than twenty years. As part of his nomination, he has been invited to present selected sound installations at the Ruine der Kuenste Berlin, at the Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl and at the "SoundART 2006" special exhibition of the ART COLOGNE fair. For a detailed documentation of his experimental work see http://www.staubrauschen.de/soundsc.htm

From April 27 - April 29, 2007, a new selection of web-based, generative sound works by Timo Kahlen will now be presented at "The Sonic Image": 2007 Totally Huge New Music Festival Conference in Perth (AUS). These include "Sound Drift" (2005 in collaboration with Ian Andrews) and "ping tschae tschae" (2005) and, for example, "UR" (2006).

For 2007, Timo Kahlen is currently preparing exhibitions in Berlin, Chemnitz and Milano.