art talks Sept 10 - Marina Zurkow + Joe McKay
Pace Digital Gallery is pleased to host an evening with 2 new media artists - Marina Zurow and Joe McKay.

Monday Sept 10, 6:30pm. Room 313, 163 William Street (between Beekman and Ann Streets), New York, NY, 10038.
This event is free and open to the public, please join us!
inquiries: jmcdonald2 at | click for more info, map, directions

::Marina Zurkow creates animated, psychologically infused narratives, which push cartoons beyond the classic perpendicular screen into physical environments. These have at times been interactive, embedded in objects, embodied as mascots; exhibited on multi-screens, DVD, mobile devices, and as immersive installations. Her investigations into character, nonlinear fictions, site, and audience all use pop languages as a conduit to deeper social engagement. Zurkow is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards and currently teaches at NYU.

:: Joe McKay is an artist who makes work with and about digital culture. McKay will discuss his recent works, "Cell Phone Sculptures" and "Sunset Solitaire", on the occasion of "Loss of Signal", a solo show at VertexList Gallery, opening on September 7th. McKay is currently in residence at the Headlands Center For the Arts in San Francisco.

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