[Passing Time and the Changing Seasons of Time, at Ok Mountain, Austin]

Paul Slocum and Kevin Bewersdorf present a collection of sad and humorous videos, photos, and objects loaded with sincere jabs at our failure to grasp a constantly shifting world. Avoiding sophomoric indulgence through complex pathos and simple binary juxtapositions, the works are joined by the show's title, "Passing Time and the Changing Seasons of Time" which hints at the sorrow lying deep within every joke.

Often working through loose internet collaborations that remove tactile processes, Slocum and Bewersdorf rely heavily on web communities to generate necessity for their work. The show contains works previously found only on the artists' websites, made physical for the first time at Okay Mountain.

Paul Slocum lives in Dallas and is represented by Dunn and Brown Contemporary. He has exhibited in New York, Liverpool, Denmark, and Mexico and had a solo exhibition last year at Vertexlist in Brooklyn. His work and writing are published on the website www.qotile.net.

Kevin Bewersdorf completed a BFA in painting at the Rhode Island School of Design in 2004 and has exhibited in numerous group shows in Berlin, Rome, Boston, and New York City including the 2005 exhibition "Art @ Work" which displayed art in the cubicles of an empty Manhattan office building. He maintains the website www.geartekcorporation.com.