New Reviews/Interviews at July 31st 2007

marc garrett:

New Reviews/Interviews at July 31st 2007.

On everything by Pall Thayer. Review by Sabine Gottfried. ———————————————————————> In On Everything, text has become an arbitrary combination of fragments passing across the screen as an infinite stream of cooking recipes, marketing phrases, and personal diary entries, embracing any possible topic that can potentially find its way into text. Images, meanwhile, seem similarly decomposed and fragmented. Processed by something like a digital shredder, they are cut into shavings and rearranged into colorful, collage-like compounds only vaguely reminiscent of their originals.

Twisting Fistfuls of Time with David Rokeby Part 2. An interview by Charlotte Frost. ———————————————————————> 2nd part of an interview with David Rokeby, which was originally in conjunction with his first UK retrospective ‘Silicon Remembers Carbon’, FACT, Liverpool, (20th April – 10th June). David Rokeby is an installation artist based in Toronto, Canada. He has been creating interactive installations since 1982. Focussing on interactive pieces that directly engage the human body, or that involve artificial perception systems. His work has been performed / exhibited in shows across Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia.