<nettime-ann> Call for Proposals Kassel Documentary Film & Video Festival

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24th Kassel Documentary Film & Video Festival 2007
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Deadline: August 1, 2007
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The 24th edition of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival is going to take place from November 13 to 18, 2007. On six days the festival presents about 220 international documentary films as well as experimental and artistic works. Moreover, the media art exhibition MONITORING, the DokfestLounge with audiovisual performances and the interfiction symposium do top off the festival program. Having this profile the Kasseler Dokfest annually attracts both a regional audience as well as professionals of the film and media industry from Germany, Europe and the rest of the world. We invite all artists, filmmakers, distributors, gallery owners, universities or institutions to submit latest works and projects to the different sections of the festival program. Deadline for entries is August 1, 2007.

Kati Michalk / Gerhard Wissner
phone: +49.561.707 64 21
fax: +49.561.707 64 41


c/o Filmladen Kassel e.V.
Goethestrasse 31
34119 Kassel
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