Upgrade! São Paulo


Networks and Artistic Spaces of Intervention

Upgrade! São Paulo

May 17, 2007, 7:30 pm @ i-People: Av Vergueiro 727, next to the Vergueiro Subway Station.

Experimentations with art and technology have multiplied in the last three decades with the use of several kinds of creation, production and distribution by artists. Those possibilities are emphasized particularly through the internet and its popularization in the 90's and more recently through the wireless devices and the virtual multi-user environments. The purpose of this presentation is to bring a brief panorama pointing out some artists, as well as to present some recent personal artistic works such as interactive installations and videogame.

Gilbertto Prado is multimedia artist, professor of the Department of Fine Arts at the School of Communication and Art of the University of São Paulo. He studied Engineer and Fine Arts at UNICAMP and in 1994 he receveid his Doctorate Degree from the University of Paris 1. He has curated and participated of numberless exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. In 2003, his book "Telematics Art: from the punctual interchanges to the virtual multi-user environments" was published by the Itau Cultural, São Paulo.