Bios 4


Art, Biology and the Environment

Bios 4: Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporneo :: Seville 2007 May 3 - September 2 :: curator: Antonio Cerveira Pinto.

A broad view on biotech art, including some of its relations with the human body, nano-entities, environmental issues, artificial life and robots. Open seminar on biotech and environmental art | may 2, 1800 (free entrance) Opening | may 3, 2000 (invitational).

Biotech art is part of the cognitive art vortex. It is actually the real new thing in post-contemporary culture. It is not another modern art melting down of symbolic representation. Post-contemporary art entities are basically cognitive in the way that they need both knowledge to evolve and inteligent perusers to interact. - Antonio Cerveira-Pinto


Agnes Denes | Amy Youngs | Andrew K?tting, Giles Lane, Mark Lythgoe | Andy Gracie | Andy Lomas | Aniko Meszaros | Antony Hall | Genetic Architectures | Aviva Rahmani | Beatriz da Costa | Bestiario (Santiago Ortiz, Jose Aguirre, Carolina Valejo, Andr?s Ortiz) | Betty Beaumont | Bill Vorn | Bioteknica (Shawn Bailey, Jennifer Willet) | Brandon Balleng? | Catherine Wagner | Cynthia Verspaget & Adam Fiannaca | Dmitry Bulatov | Driessens & Verstappen | Eduardo Kac | France Cadet | Biopresence (Georg Tremmel, Shiho Fukuhara) | George Gessert | Heather Ackroyd & Dan Harvey | Joe Davis | Justine Cooper | Kathy High | Ken Rinaldo | Laura Cinti, Howard Boland (c-lab) | Mark Cypher | Marta de Menezes | Mateusz Herczka | Natalie Jeremijenko | Nell Tenhaaf | Norman T White | Paul Vanouse | Paula Gaetano | Peter Gena | Philip Ross | Polona Tratnik | Sonya Rapoport | Theo Jansen | Ursula Damm | Victoria Vesna and James Gimzewski, in collaboration with Gil Kuno, Sarah Cross, Tyler Adams, Paul Wilkinson |