Urban Interface berlin (part 1)

[....] The headquarters of UIB are on Torstrasse, at the Sparwasser HQ gallery. That's where you can get to see and borrow for a few days The Head. The wearable sculpture, created by Finnish artist Laura Beloff, contains an 'eye' which is a camera connected to a mobile phone which is in turn connected to the internet. Images and sounds are automatically recorded as soon as you send an SMS to The Head's phone (just text 0170 5544514.) The recorded files will then be relayed to you via MMS. The public can access all the images generated online.

0thehadmelted.jpg 0theheadmetl.jpg

The Head has the mission to document public and private spaces throughout the event. However the wearer has no control on this access to her/his life from outside. As you can see on the images, The Head has partially melted. Made of plastic it didn't quite agree with the current sunny weather that Berlin is enjoying for a couple of months.
