Peter Baldes: Hypertemporality Animations

Peter Baldes

[....] Peter Baldes work [....]

Using only animated gifs, simple html and the browsers feature of progressive downloading (downloading content from top to bottom, left to right, see image above left) Peter manages to create some work which is without a doubt but the type that a painter might create. He seems to have quite a few references, obvious ones such as post Abstract Expressionism painting, Mark Rothko (colour field), Sol LeWitt (image below right) etc. but also references within web culture, use of webcams, codecs, digital video and the visual result they give, surveillance etc.

Here are a selection of works on Peter’s site which I particularily liked:
newer circles (image above), 123005_1, 123005_2 (image below left), #14 (image below right), Table Experiment, prosthetic leg, once around the block 3 (image bottom left), Motion Studies 2 (image bottom right) and websitesasgraphs.

The images here don’t do the works justice so do click through to watch them. Once the works have fully loaded in your browser don’t forget to reload them to see them animate completely differently (second time around they are cached so will play almost in sync).

Peter Baldes

Peter Baldes