
AreYouHere? is one of 12 urban interventions at the 52nd International Art Exhibition "Migration Addicts" in Venice. "AreYouHere?" is an urban mobile game that seeks to explore Venice through its inhabitants of which many are now emigrants. More and more Venetians are leaving the area to settle in other towns, and as a consequence the population of Venice will be dramatically reduced in the next 30-40 years. Bar and hotel owners now come from abroad, while the town is losing its original inhabitants and becoming more and more globalized. Labor emigrants from Asia are welcoming you and serving you Italian food. You are in Venice. But are you really in Venice? What do you see? Who do you meet? "AreYouHere?" wishes to adress these issues through an urban exploration of the people that visitors meet during their stay.

Participants are invited to follow a specific path, take photos with their mobile phone of the people who live and work in Venice, and send these by MMS to a specific number. All of these photos are then joined together to form a personal postcard which is sent to the participant's homeadress.

The "AreYouHere?" intervention is created by TODO, and will take place from June 6 to June 15 this year.

"AreYouHere?" is an urban mobile game that seeks to explore Venice through its inhabitants of which many are now emigrants.