We Are All Photographers Now

The Musée de l'Elysée in Lausanne, Switzerland has developed an interactive exhibition called We Are All Photographers Now!, which hopes to respond to the rapidly changing world of photography in this digital age.

The show, which began on 2 February and will run until 20 May, is soliciting photographic submissions from people all over the world, and has currently received images from almost 7,500 photographers from 128 countries. Anyone who is interested can submit a photo online.

Each week a hundred images will be chosen at random by a computer and printed in archival quality. The selections will then be shown in the museum for 1 week before being replaced by the next selection. All photos included in the exhibition will be entered into the permanent archives of the Musée de l'Elysée. If your photo is selected, the museum will also send you an email with an installation view of your work as it was shown in the gallery.

For more information and their submission form click here.

Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne
18, Avenue de l�Elysée
CH�1014 Lausanne, Switzerland
tel. + 41 21 316 99 11

By Jonah Samson.

Originally posted by Tim Yu from Cool Hunting, ReBlogged by DB on Apr 16, 2007 at 07:33 PM