Upgrade! Paris


Horia Cosmin Samoïla + Ewen Chardronnet

Upgrade! Paris: HORIA COSMIN SAMO�LA & EWEN CHARDRONNET :: Friday, april 20th, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm :: CONFLUENCES: 190, Bd de Charonne 75020 PARIS :: Metro: Philippe-Auguste or Alexandre-Dumas (12) [This meeting will take place during the Mal Au Pixel Festival, in the "new cartographies" program, and will precede a lecture on Multimedia Cartography, a new perception of our territories, with Benjamin Cadon and Franck Ancel.]

Horia Cosmin Samoïla and Ewen Chardronnet work together since a few months within Spectral Investigations Collective (with Bureau d'Etudes and other people). Inside Net radio Radio operator Tower Xchange program, Horia Cosmin Samoïla and Spectral Investigations Collective will explore the electromagnetic (and psychotronic) environment of the Eiffel Tower, and this at the time of the first turn of the presidential elections. Ewen Chardronnet will question Horia Cosmin Samoïla on its former artistic activities and the current hot lines of its projects.

Horia Cosmin Samoïla: Originally from Romania, founder of Ghostlab and member of SIC. Uses the electromagnetic medium like raw material with the realization of immaterial sculptures, experimental installations and extra-cognitive devices.

Ewen Chardronnet: Artist, curator and journalist, author of an anthology on the Association of the Autonomous Astronauts ("Quitter la Gravite", l'Eclat Editions) and prize winner of the Leonardo Price New Horizons 2003. http://e-ngo.orghttp://semaphore.blogs.com