<nettime-ann> MALAUPIXEL 2007 PARIS

Mal au Pixel / PixelAche Paris
International festival of Electronic Subcultures

14-21 avril, at Ars Longa, Confluences, Mains d'Oeuvres

" Democracy ? Do it yourself ! "

The second edition of the Mal au Pixel festival will be held in April 2007, the very week before the first round of the French presidential election. Given this pre-election context, Mal au Pixel tackles the question of how artists, researchers and networked communities working in the field of media can contribute to understanding, criticizing, and imagining our political and social systems?
This topic aims to gather artists, designers, researchers, and social workers, intends to drive us towards poetical or critical proposals, rather than simply illustrate e-democracy trends. Marcel Duchamp taught us that all Art is politics, time has come then to ask why politics shouldnt be aesthetical as well?
Mal au Pixel Festival also presents experimental installations, debates and workshops, but also party times to share: five events of hybrid performances, DJ/VJ, experimental or narrative lives, plenty of electronic vibes from here and far away !