urban interface berlin

urban interface berlin
an exhibition exploring the interspaces between private and public space

April 15 - May 6, 2007

Artists: Jussi Angesleva/Richard The, Laura Beloff, Department for Public Appearances, Niklas Goldbach, Oliver Hangl, Gustav Hellberg, Daniel Jolliffe, Jocelyn Robert, katrinem

Concept: urban interface berlin is both exhibition and artistic/curatorial research project exploring the interspaces between public and private urban space. In 2007 urban interface takes place in two European cities, Berlin and Oslo.

The project deals with the changing notion of private and public space that occurs due to, particularly, the everyday use of communication technologies. The artworks in the context of urban interface convey the idea of public space as an accessible and contributive sphere and call attention to a more sensitive engagement with the private, physical and digital spheres.

urban interface berlin is a project by Susanne Jaschko in cooperation with art+com projekt für rechnergestuetztes gestalten und darstellen e.v. and supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds among others.