Object of Desire by Yael Kanarek


Three Languages, Four Ports of Entry

World Premiere of Internet art project Object of Desire by Yael Kanarek: Object of Desire is the third chapter in World of Awe, and online travelogue that chronicles a search for lost treasure in a parallel world called Sunset/Sunrise. The project imagines a post-gender and post-national protagonist. Born from an observation that language defines borders and territory on the Internet, Object of Desire examines these borders, as the chapter is written in three languages: English, Arabic and Hebrew. Challenging the notion of fixed territory, thirteen scenes of the online project download from servers in four locations-�in Ramallah, Tel Aviv, Izmir and New York.

Object of Desire has four web addresses by which to enter: New York; Tel Aviv; Ramallah; Izmir.

Object of Desire was awarded a 2005 Renew Media Fellowship (funded by the Rockefeller Foundation)

Friday April 20, 2007, 7:15 PM: Artist's Talk with Yael Kanarek :: 8:00 PM: Panel Discussion: Plausible Maps, Possible Worlds: Memories for a Post-National Future with Galit Eilat (moderator), Livia Alexander, Hakan Topal, and Michael Connor :: Exit Art, 475 Tenth Ave (at 36th street), New York, NY 10018, Tel. (212) 966-7745.