April 2007 on -empyre- : TechnoPanic: Terrors and Technologies
Via: Christina McPhee

April 2007 on -empyre- soft-skinned space: TechnoPanic: Terrors and


with Horit Herman-Peled (IS), Brooke Singer (US), Paul Vanouse (US), and Sean Cubit (AU) moderated by Tim Murray (US) and Renate Ferro (US)

From surveillance and mobile technologies to fears and public panic, the ambivalent attraction of technologies of terror shifts registers between post-cold war and post 9-11sensibilities, whether from international or cross-generational zones of engagement. We will discuss how panic, paranoia, critical resistance to, and appropriation of technologies of terror are mediated by the threat and fear of violence in the interlinked networks of mobile media, domestic space, and the public sphere.

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