Recent Turbulence Commissions

Turbulence Commissions launched during summer 2006:

MOBOTAG by Marta Lwin with funding from the Jerome Foundation

mobotag reveals the hidden layers of a city through an active exchange of location based media and text messages via the cellphone. It's collaborative phone tagging of the city. Part virtual graffiti, part walking tour, mobotag creates a spontaneous and easy way for tagging a neighborhood via the cellphone. Send and view messages, images, videos and sounds. See art, read stories, and watch a hidden layer of the city reveal itself. Respond with your media and participate in the creative expression and mapping of your neighborhood. mobotag also features art projects including flyHere, a mobile phone audio installation featuring native bird calls; bugBytes, collectible graphical bugs originating at major telecoms around NYC; and lookHere, a written work in short form by a native NY writer.

MONOLITH[S] by Michael Takeo Magruder with funds form the National Endowment for the Arts

Monolith[s] juxtaposes two icons of British culture: stone circles (Stonehenge, for instance) and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Formulated according to motifs and proportions of ancient architecture, infused with fundamental mathematics of modern digital communication systems, each genesis of the artwork's geometry is unique. Variables such as the time of day, the viewer's location on the Earth, and the position of the Earth around the sun are incorporated into the artwork, thus instilling into the realm functions of a rudimentary clock, global positioning system, and solar calendar. [needs: The technical specifications are detailed on the Setup/Help page. Please read them before proceeding.]

MY BEATING BLOG by Yury Gitman with funds from the Jerome Foundation

My Beating Blog is an attempt to take the journaling aspect of blogging into a surrealistic future in which the author literally and metaphorically bares his heart. For three weeks, a series of posts contextualizing heart-rate visualizations, GPS-maps, and personal journal entries will give online users a rare entrance into personal medical-grade statistics, stalker-level location tracking, and the private thoughts of the blogger. Inevitably, issues regarding privacy, exhibitionism, and voyeurism playfully emerge as the blogosphere is infused with biofeedback and location technology. [needs the following browsers: IE 6.0+, Firefox 0.8+ , Safari 1.2.4+, Netscape 7.1+, Mozilla 1.4+, Opera 8.02+]
