Mon Oct 2 Terminal Air at CAVS

Center for Advanced Visual Studies / MIT’s School of Architecture and Planning

265 Massachusetts Ave, 3rd Fl / Cambridge MA 02139 / 617 253 4415 /

7:00 pm

The Center for Advanced Visual Studies presents
Terminal Air (Institute for Applied Autonomy and Trevor Paglen)

Tad Hirsch (Institute for Applied Autonomy) and experimental geographer Trevor Paglen will present early research for their new project, Terminal Air, an interactive installation that enables audiences to track a fleet of CIA-operated aircraft around the world. These airplanes, which were first uncovered by an international network of amateur aviation enthusiasts and later reported on by various investigative journalists, are known to be involved in "extraordinary rendition"—the practice of illegally transporting terrorism suspects to secret overseas military bases for torture and interrogation. Paglen will also talk about Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA's Rendition Flights, which he co- wrote with journalist AC Thompson. Andrew Woods of Harvard Law School will also speak. Terminal Air is supported by 2006-2007 commission from