Come Out & Play Festival transforms New York streets into playground Sept 22-24

Mobile technologies like cellphones, PDAs and wi-fi are transforming how we play games. Games are no longer tied to the computer, leaving us free to roam and play with others in public. This has led to an explosion of interest in Big Games, multiplayer games for the real world. This September New York will become the capital of this movement as the Come Out & Play Festival turns New York City streets into a playground.

Come Out & Play is the first festival dedicated to big games, featuring roughly 25 official game across New York from September 22-24, 2006.

The festival will run from September 22-24, 2006. The festival includes work from featured artists area/code; Jane McGonigal and Ian Bogost; and Ville Tuulos and Jürgen Scheible from Nokia. Also check out games by SF Zero, the Go Game and many more. Stop by the opening night on Friday and check out everything from cellphone-enabled strategy games on the street, gigantic projected games, races across the city, games of benevolent assassination to scavenger hunts and more. Games will occur throughout the day in locations around the city. See the schedule of games for more details about events.

While games will run in locations around the city, the festival headquarters will be hosted by the Eyebeam Art & Technology Center, located at Eyebeam at 540 W. 21st Street, New York, NY. Stop by the headquarters during the festival for information and to see game updates.

All events and games are free. Some events require pre-registration.

What are you waiting for? COME OUT & PLAY!

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