Call for Participation: v.3 v.3 call for participation is an annual international juried online exhibition that is currently looking for exciting and provocative interactive artwork made for the internet arena. Projects must be made between 2005-2006.

Please no commercial, design, portfolio or traditional media sites.

Deadline: October 1, 2006

E-mail submissions to

Please include project URL, brief description (no more than 100 words), artist statement and browser/technical requirements in the body of the e-mail. No attachments please.

Selected projects will be expected to stay live at the submitted URL through May 2007.

Exhibition opens December 13, 2006. v.2 featured works by babel, Shawn Bailey & Jennifer Willet, Jillian McDonald, Dylan Davis, Brian Judy, Juliet Davis and Nicolas Clauss

Produced by The Electronic Arts Program, California State University Chico Department of Art & Art History