XENOMORPH: ALIEN AGENCY - call for science fiction

call for submissions: -----------------------------

XENOMORPH: ALIEN AGENCY (Xaa) provides an internet home for innovative, experimental work on and in the science fiction mode. Sf is not only a genre, but also a mode of awareness and production particularly relevant in these First Days of the 21st century. In the recent past, the sf genre has produced unprecedented "sf fx" in the able handminds of Gwyneth Jones, Ken Macleod, Octavia E. Butler and many others. At the same time, sf has exploded beyond the limits of genre and begun to make waves in fields as disparate as music, art, critical theory, architecture, and politics. Sf theory, for example, has left the confines of "SF Studies" per se and taken new forms in the work of Donna Haraway, Jean Baudrillard, and Manuel Delanda. SF music and art, too, have produced exciting sf agents like Sun Ra, Ebon Fisher, and the Center for Tactical Magic. Sf technoscience should of course be very familiar to futurists; the sf mode productions of K. Eric Drexler, Hans Moravec, and Nicholas Negroponte spring to mind. And, of course, the sf mode is wider still: TV, film, RPGs, MMORPGs, and other games, anime, etc. Xaa brings these and other strands of sf mode activity together, focusing especially on sf fx, anthropocentrism, ecological ethics and alien agency, among other possible topics. Neologistic by nature, Xaa actively seeks new ways of thinking, speaking, writing, worlding, making, and playing.

XENOMORPH: ALIEN AGENCY needs you! Pose questions you can't answer, make mini-manifestoes, lay bare your craziest reflections and wildest theories. Submissions for this first edition are open to any and all, in all fields, disciplines, and media; an interest in the sf mode, in the futures, and in new possibilities is the only requirement. For our first edition, we are accepting short texts (300 word maximum) and small widgets (images, video, etc), with a preference for the experimental, the innovative, and the eccentric.

Deadline for submissions: 20 September 02006 Contact: sfmode@alienagency.org