Dorkbot-Tokyo in Miraikan

photo: Masanori Ikeda

"Dorkbot-Tokyo" which aims to provide opportunities to "spark" electric-oriented creation beyond genre such as art, product, music etc, will present "Dorkbot-Tokyo in Miraikan" on September 19th at National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation "Miraikan" in Tokyo.

photo: Tetsuya Umeda

"Dorkbot" is a community for "people doing strange things with electricity." Dorkbot was started in New York in 2000 and has been springing up around the world. Each dorkbot is different and is driven by the needs and interests of people in the local community. Tokyo-based "Dorkbot-Tokyo" wouldn't have regular meetings but is continuing to organize events and meetings irregularly.

This time "Dorkbot-Tokyo" reached the closest power spot to the universe, the rooftop of "Miraikan"! Performers are Jun'ichi Okuyama, UJINO and The Rotators (Muneteru Ujino), and Tetsuya Umeda, with a DJ Minoru Hatanaka. And more unexpected contents!

Dorkbot-Tokyo in Miraikan
Date: September 16th, 2006 Open17:30, 18:00 - 21:00
Place: National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation "Miraikan" 7F rooftop
#In the case of rain: 7F meeting room3
Address: 2-41 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Admission Free
Cooperation: Entertainment Computing 2006, Miraikan, Tokyo Ale