PainStation Generations

To celebrate the five year anniversary we have set up two versions of the PainStation at this year�s GamesConvention in Leipzig:

PainStation 1.0
For the first time in 3 years the very first model has been excavated from the transportation case and is now playable at the pong.mythos exhibition. The crappy looks, the biting whip and the awful slowdowns of the software give this machine a unique retro touch!

PainStation 2.5
If you prefer the high tech treatment with varying pain levels, blinding flashlights and a lot more gameplay variety, stick to our professionally build workhorse. On display is model 4/5, codename �Vaterland�.

More photos from the exhibition can be found here.
Photos of pong.mythos @ GC and other locations.

Update: I just got a call from Andreas Lange asking for replacement whips for PS2.5. The first set is already used up � more than 36 000 people visited the show yesterday!