:::::: new video-interviews in Artnodes :::::::

Pau Alsina:

Artnodes publishes a new series of interviews with international experts in digital art and culture

20/10/2006.- Artnodes, the UOC’s internet space on the interrelations between art, science and technology, is to publish six new interviews with international experts on digital art, which are to remain on the website permanently. This series of interviews reflects on some of the hottest issues in digital art and culture, including surveillance technology, the effects of software on our daily lives and virtual reality communities.

On this occasion, the experts interviewed are Erkki Huhtamo, Andreas Broeckmann (artistic director of Transmediale), Alex Galloway, Jonah Brucker-Cohen, David Rokeby, and Marc Downie.

These experts discuss issues such as the effects of software on our daily lives, the development of media archaeology, surveillance technology in artistic projects, physical toy interfaces linked to surveillance software, connected virtual reality communities and the creation of sound by virtual reality creatures.

The interviews and videos, made by Pau Alsina, Alba Colombo and Pau Waelder, will remain on Artnodes permanently. Artnodes usually publishes documents to inspire theoretical reflection on or historical study of this field of interdisciplinary creativity.

Available at:


The Artnodes area
Artnodes is an area at the Open University of Catalonia’s network dedicated to the interrelations of art, science and technology. The Artnodes area includes an academic journal, a specialist information and documentation portal and projects such as LABS or YASMIN in collaboration. Since 2003, it has organised face-to-face and virtual events relating to digital art and other intersections between art, science and technology.


Pau Alsina