5 5=5 : 5 short films by 5 film makers about 5 networked art projects

5 short films by 5 film makers about 5 networked art projects exploring critical approaches to social engagement. Furtherfield has commissioned 5 short films about 5 UK-produced networked art projects which explore critical approaches to social engagement. These pieces offer alternative interfaces to the artworks and the every-day artistic practices of their producers. They introduce the motivations and social contexts of artists and artists' groups who are working with DIY approaches to digital technology and its culture, where medium and distribution channels merge. Original concept and production Furtherfield, London, UK. 2006 In association with HTTP Gallery [House of Technologically Termed Praxis], London, UK. Made with the support of Stiftelsen Laangmanska Kulturfonden and Mejan Labs in Stockholm, Sweden - Arts Council of England and Awards for All in UK.