Support the Arts, Score Some Art!

Rhizome is a leading platform for the global new media art community. Our programs and resources, which include exhibitions, journalism, commissioning and collection, all serve to nourish contemporary art that engages new media. This year, Rhizome celebrates its tenth anniversary, and its tenth year of supporting the new media art field. At this pivotal moment, we need our community more than ever! Our annual Community Campaign began on October 17th and will run through December 31st. We are petitioning our community to renew their membership, join for the first time, or make a generous donation. Our Campaign goal is $25,000, an amount that is absolutely essential to Rhizome's survival and growth over the next year. This year, we are planning on enriching our site, developing the ArtBase, and other areas of participation and interaction. In order to make these positive changes, we need support from our community! These are important developments that members have expressed interest in and, we believe, they will foster the broader spirit of exchange and internationalism which has made Rhizome such a unique artistic platform over its first ten years. Meanwhile, there are several ways you can contribute, and donations of $50 or more are recognized with a gift of editioned art works by Lovid, Brody Condon, Kristin Lucas, MTAA, RSG, Rick Silva, and Lee Walton. Thanks for your ongoing support! -