[Damon Zucconi]

Attributing Value.jpg

Attributing Value (Refractions) is an ongoing video series documenting various artist's works. The works are environmentalized and refracted through the structural data of artist Damon Zucconi himself. Sofar completed are Bruce Nauman: 100 Live, 100 Die; Carsten Nicolai: Syn_Chron; Pierre Huyghe: L'Expedition scintillante; Richard Serra: Torqued Ellipse VI; 0100101110101101.org: jodi.org'%20Transfer'.

4_f.jpgZenith Alignments. Using star tracking software, minor zenith alignments with celestial bodies were found to occur at multiple intervals throughout the course of the day over various locations. These precise locations were located via GPS. 3-point areas were located at sites of the zenith alignments. These areas were highlighted and clearings were made to coincide with the alignments. So at the moment of the alignment Damon Zucconi would be exposing the ground and aligning himself with the line that extends to the star. These specific alignments were unique to these specific locations, occurring once an annual cycle. This could largely be seen as the process of integrating himself with 90 degree angles, in turn, demarcating larger phenomenological alignments and relations 'the body mapped onto the land onto the heavens above';


'At' Asserting its Object Status. Found sculpture.


2d Orthogonal Line Drawing. Drawing with laser and mirrors. All projects by Damon Zucconi.