These New Cities

Newsflash: Computers are all around us, embedded not only in our social fabric, but also in the actual design and architecture of the surrounding landscape. This piece of information may seem obvious to Rhizome News readers, but the implications may not be. 'Situated Technologies,' a 3-day symposium organized by Omar Khan, Trebor Scholz, and Mark Shepard, convenes practitioners across the fields of art, architecture, technology, and sociology to investigate the emerging role of 'situated' technologies in, as the organizers put it, 'the design and inhabitation of the contemporary metapolis.' Co-presented by the Center for Virtual Architecture, The Institute for Distributed Creativity, and the Architectural League of New York, the symposium will explore the possibilities and dilemmas afforded by this new form of networked urban sociality and, also, alternative ways in which situated technologies might be navigated or deployed. Join a group of luminary participants in performances, panels, and workshops as they jumpstart a public discourse on these increasingly pressing questions. 'Situated Technologies' will be held at Eyebeam Art and Technology Center from October 19-21st. - Lauren Cornell