Designing Interactions, book & DVD

Designing Interactions

Designing Interactions looks like one of the most interesting and useful books that I have seen in a while. Written by Bill Moggridge, designer of the first laptop computer and a founder of the design firm IDEO.

“Bill Moggridge introduces us to forty influential designers who have shaped our interaction with technology. The early chapters are mostly about invention of precedent setting designs, forming a living history. The center section is structured around topics, so that you can find several opinions collected together for comparison, about designing in a particular context. The later chapters move more towards the future, with trends, possibilities and conjectures. The introduction and final chapter combine to describe the approach to designing interactions that has evolved at IDEO”.

The interviewees & contributor list is great :
Bill Atkinson � Durrell Bishop � Brendan Boyle � Dennis Boyle � Paul Bradley � Duane Bray � Sergey Brin � Stu Card � Gillian Crampton Smith � Chris Downs� Tony Dunne � John Ellenby � Doug Englebart � Jane Fulton Suri � Bill Gaver � Bing Gordon � Rob Haitani � Jeff Hawkins � Matt Hunter � Hiroshi Ishii � Bert Keely � David Kelley � Rikako Kojima � Brenda Laurel � David Liddle � Lavrans Løvlie � John Maeda � Paul Mercer � Tim Mott � Joy Mountford � Takeshi Natsuno � Larry Page � Mark Podlaseck � Fiona Raby � Cordell Ratzlaff � Ben Reason � Jun Rekimoto � Steve Rogers � Fran Samalionis � Larry Tesler � Bill Verplank � Terry Winograd � Will Wright

Watch video interviews here

Website containing information on book & dvd.

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