the Upgrade! Johannesburg presents our first Panel Discussion: Collecting Digits
nathaniel stern:

Friday October 6, 2006 @ 3pm: Panel Discussion: Collecting Digits WSOA Digital Arts. Map: contact/map.htm

The Upgrade! Johannesburg presents our first Panel Discussion: Collecting Digits

This panel and discussion on the possibilities and problems with collecting new media art will include presentations by:

* Warren Siebrits - founder of one of Johannesburg's most prestigious contemporary and modern commercial art galleries * Franci Cronje - curator of several collections & competitions, including Sasol New Signatures * Nathaniel Stern - digital and interactive artist, in several public & private collections * Clive Kellner - Director of the Johannesburg Art Museum

About Upgrade! Johannesburg About once per month a group of new media students, artists and curators gather in Johannesburg, South Africa. At each meeting one or two artists present work - theirs, or a favorite's - in order to foster critique, dialogue and collaboration in our growing digital arts scene. The Upgrade! Joburg grew out of Professor Christo Doherty's (WSOA Digital Arts; Map ) regular Friday 'Digital Soirees' at Wits School of the Arts, and artist Nathaniel Stern's atjoburg initiative, both founded between 2002/3 and still ongoing. They wanted to invite a larger, participative audience into their space, and be plugged into a more diverse and international network. Our first official Upgrade! featured Daniel Hirschmann, a South African Wits alumnus who alsostudied at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program, and went on to help shape the Physical Computing studio at Fabrica. At number two, Stern presented MTAA's brilliant work remotely (with their permission), rather fitting given their initial involvement in the first NYC Upgrades....
