JODI this Thursday @ Conversations At The Edge!
// jonCates:

JODI: MAX PAYNE CHEATS ONLY! Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans in person! Max Payne Cheats Only (1996–2005, Netherlands, ca. 60 min) THURSDAY OCTOBER 5 @ 6:00 PM Gene Siskel Film Center 164 N. State CHI IL .US $ 9 USD $ 5 USD for Film Center members $ 7 USD for students

On Thursday, October 5 at 6pm at the Gene Siskel Film Center, Conversations at the Edge will present digital art pioneers JODI (Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans) in a rare public demonstration of their latest video game modifications, including Max Payne Cheats Only (2005)

along with their ground-breaking modifications of Quake 1, Untitled Game (1996–2001)

id Software’s game Wolfenstein 3D, SOD (1999)

and the early ’80s game Jet Set Willy, Jet Set Willy Variations © 1984 (2002)

Digital provocateurs JODI pioneered Web art in the mid-1990s, upending the conventions of the emerging medium to create anarchic programs that simulated computer crashes, viruses, and error messages. The duo has wrought similar havoc on computer programs and video games, radically disrupting the language of these systems— including interfaces, commands, errors, and code—to subvert the relationship between computer technology and its users. About JODI cont. JODI's works are typically seen online. Their recent solo exhibitions include INSTALL.EXE at Eyebeam, New York, which toured to Basel and to BuroFriedrich, Berlin; and the Computing 101B exhibition at FACT Centre, Liverpool, England. Their works have also been exhibited at the Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow; Kunstverein Bonn; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany; and Documenta X, Kassel, Germany, among others.

JODI: Max Payne Cheats Only is co-presented by Conversations at the Edge (a program organized by the Department of Film, Video, and New Media in association with the Video Data Bank and the Gene Siskel Film Center), the Visiting Artist Program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Department of Interactive Arts and Media at Columbia College Chicago.