Artists Talk @ the jb this Wednesday (11/29) Evening, 6pm - 8pm

We’ll be hosting a what-promises-to-be-excellent artists talk @ jen bekman this Wednesday evening, November 29th, from 6pm -8pm. (We’ll mingle and have refreshing beverages til 7pm, and the artists talk will last til about 8.)

Moderator Marisa Olson of Rhizome will lead a casual conversation with James Deavin and Eva + Franco Mattes. The discussion will be about their respective projects documenting Second Life.

Deavin’s Photographs from the New World, mostly landscapes and interior shots, is on view at the gallery through Saturday December 9th and in Second Life at jbSL, the gallery’s virtual location, through the end of December.

The Matteses’ portrait series, 13 Most Beautiful Avatars, is showing now at Ars Virtua Gallery in conjunction with the Time Shares series co-presented by Rhizome and the New Museum of Contemporary Art, and will be in a “real world” show opening on 11/30 at the Italian Academy, at Columbia.

We have a limited amount of space, so please RSVP if you’d like to attend: rsvp AT jenbekman DOT com.

jen bekman
6 Spring St
between Elizabeth + Bowery)
NYC 10012

Untitled by James Deavin | 30
Image: Untitled by James Deavin | 30″ x 40″ C-print