Wearable fruit fly farm

0fruithjuiut.jpg With The Fruit Fly Farm sculpture, Laura Beloff is investigating both technological society and organic (insect) society.

The Fruit Fly Farm is built as a wearable object for people to adopt and carry around. It is a personal "pet" and wearable system with a public access via mobile phone.

A camera phone, embedded in the sculpture, is observing the fly community. Anyone can access the phone camera by sending a sms to the piece. The camphone will then capture an image and send it back as an MMS. The photo along with the sms-messages (comments) will also be uploaded to a dedicated website.

The fly nest is located in the middle of the 20 cm wide transparent acryl ball. The nest capsule contains rotten fruits and needs to be re-filled approximately once a week. Small holes allow the flies to fly in and out of the nest.


Until November 30th 2006, you can send the sms to this number: +47 92096767 (Norway)

In the same series of "wearable" future works which address the society and surrounding environment as the their theme: The Head.