Trampoline 23rd November

Trampoline – Platform for new media art
Thursday 23rd November 6pm til late
Broadway Cinema, Broad Street, Nottingham, UK
£5.50/£4.20 concessions

Playing with urban structures - the city becomes alive at the touch of a button.

Trampoline will be investigating the relationship between gaming, new media art and our urban environment.

The structures of the city are increasingly pervaded by new media with screens, cctv, electronic networks, mobile devices, implements often designed to control our movement through urban space and even to remove us from our surroundings. We wish to investigate how new media can form an even tighter relationship with our immediate environment – challenge and subvert its conventional structures – hacking the city.

The evening of events brings together performance, video, installation and artists’ presentations.

Blast Theory, renowned internationally as one of the most adventurous artists' groups using interactive media, will be giving a presentation about their most recent work ‘Day of the Figurines’, premiered at Trampoline’s event First Play Berlin, held in October of this year.

Le Quan Ninh will be bringing his unique form of percussion improvisation to Nottingham in a highly anticipated performance.

Electronic musicians Vastik Root and Little Boy Blue will be meddling with their gameboys and various computer consoles resulting in a climax of energetic noise.

Frank Abbott will be presenting his epic performance ‘From Here to the End of my Garden’ a series of four presentations throughout the evening, merging spaces together with his mobile projector, recreating his garden within Broadway Cinema.

Other works on show include:
An ‘urban carpet’ will be set somewhere in the streets of Nottingham and pedestrians may find the ground beneath their feet suddenly responding to their movements.
An interactive virtual pool by Giles Askham, creates visual and sonic response in the form of ripples as the viewer investigates ‘Aquaplayne’.
A new audio tour by Jon Aveyard will be available for you to experience the city in a very different way.
And Martin Callanan’s ‘Sonification of You’ will make tangible the mass of mobile phone signals, wifi networks and general electronic radiation which surrounds us by detecting these transmissions and making them audible.

Timetable for the evening:

6pm Film Screening
7pm Le Quan Ninh
7.30pm Vastik Root
8pm Patrick Farmer and James Smith – please bring a tuneable radio for a special performance
9pm Blast Theory
10pm Little Boy Blue
10.30pm Leif Gifford

8pm, 9pm, 10pm and 10.30pm Frank Abbott – From Here to the End of my Garden
Live Performance with a mobile projector

Other participating artists include:
Giles Askham, Jaygo Bloom, Thomas Laureyssens, Jon Aveyard, Martin Callanan, Carolina Briones, Andy Gubb, Joe Duffy, Kentaro Taki, Regina Kelaita and many more

Trampoline is supported by the Arts Council England, Broadway Media Centre and Future Factory.

Those interested in these events may also be interested in Futuresonic’s activities:
Futuresonic launched Urban Play as the art and technology strand of the Futuresonic festival at the end of 2005, reflecting Futuresonic's focus since 2004 on artworks in urban space. Futuresonic 2007 will be announced soon, visit or for details.