New Site Editors & Curatorial Fellow

Marisa Olson:

Hello. I'm writing with a few updates about our volunteer roster.

We had an overwhelming number of responses from people who wanted to be Site Editors. (I've tried to get back to everyone, though my email was briefly knocked out, last week.) Because there were so many responses and we're more interested in diversity than "gatekeeping," we decided to sign people up on a first-come basis. The newest additions to our list are Luis Silva, Seth Thompson, Lee Wells, and Tyler Jacobsen. They join recently-added Site Editors John Michael Boling, Hanne Mugaas, and Michael Parenti, and ongoing Site Editors Greg Smith, Ryan Griffis, Pau Waelder, Nicholas Economos, Mark Cooley, Lauren Cornell, and myself. Interns Ana Otero and Miguel Amado (see below) will also begin reblogging, soon. FYI, T.Whid and the former staff members who were previously Site Editors (Mark Tribe, Alex Galloway, Rachel Greene, Kevin McGarry, and Francis Hwang) have now become "Emeritus." Big thanks to everyone for their commitment. I'll be calling for more Site Editors in the future, for those who may be interested.

Meanwhile, I also wanted to announce that Miguel Amado will be joining the Rhizome crew as our 06-07 Curatorial Fellow, beginning this week.