Kinetic Sculptures by Conrad Shawcross

Conrad Shawcross

London based artist Conrad Shawcross creates these fantastic kinetic sculptures that draw inspiration from philosophy and scientific theories.

Shown above is ‘Loop System Quintet‘ (2005):
“Each of the five oak machines in Loop System Quintet â�� connected by a single drive-shaft - draws a different â��knotâ�� of light in space, predetermined by the ratio of the cogs that drive it. These ratios are directly related to formal theories of musical harmony (Harmonics). The resulting light patterns, perceived by the viewer only as the machines rotate, can therefore be regarded as visual transcriptions of musical chords….The circles of energy produced by the lights also relate to string theory, a complex scientific theory stating that matter is comprised of vibrating â��stringsâ�� of energy rather than single, isolated particles”

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Conrad Shawcross

Created in 2004, ‘Light Perpeptual I‘ (2004) must have been a precursor to the work above.

“Displayed in a darkened gallery, the device works as a giant drawing machine, blasting itâ��s luminous patterns through the wire grid onto the walls, leaving the viewer seeing spots, like from staring into the sun. Conrad Shawcross isnâ��t making paintings on canvas, but rather through mechanical invention, heâ��s imprinting his image directly into the eye”

Further reading & sources above:
In the studio: Conrad Shawcross (Telegraph, 2005)
Conrad Shawcross, sculptor (Guardian, 2006)
Portrait of the artist as a young boffin (Observer, 2005)
BBC Feature

The exhibition ‘No Such Thing As One‘ brings together a body of work that explores ideas concerning time and the essence of matter. On display at the Victoria Miro gallery, east London, until 18th November.

You may also want to visit the Kinetica Museum in Spitalfields to see more moving sculpture artworks.