Tools for Travelling Streamers

The fact that tactical media artist Adam Hyde is a traveller manifests itself in his work in many ways. For example, he recently established a mobile low-res artist's residency in a campervan in New Zealand; the mobicast system he developed in collaboration with Luka Prinic was first used on the Tran-Siberian Express; and his latest production comes in a suitcase. The Streaming Suitcase is a portable box of tricks for Hyde's streaming workshops on free and open source software. The project's website makes these tools available to the greater public, along with blueprints creating a 'secondary economy' for information. Visitors will find manuals offering plain-language instructions for streaming audio and video over the internet, as well as a glossary of terms and a handy list of links. The suitcase can help one learn the basics of Linux and PureData, and even build their own mini FM transmitter. In the true spirit of open source, Hyde invites viewers to 'have a browse and take what you want.' - Helen Varley Jamieson