Embedded - Alan Sondheim in Santa Monica

restart (2006, 9KB, 4 min. loop)

shift (2006, 5.1MB, 57 sec)

jig (2006, 2.8MB, 32 sec)

We’re Alan Sondheim fans here at dvblog.
When so much work on the web is banal & lacking in ambition
he is an antidote, a tonic, a reason to hope.
His restless energy & intelligence transmute everything
he engages with into art (remember Picasso & those handlebars?)
Those living in the Santa Monica area can see his installation
‘embedded’ (also including work by filmmaker Leslie Thornton)
at the Track 16 gallery from May 27th to June 24th.
This Saturday Sondheim will be performing live at the gallery
as part of the opening event, something not to be missed.


