DNA-responsive sculpture

genetec is a proposal by UK based artist Stanza, to build an articulating DNA structure telematically controlled from the internet and responding to unique user input data. The data would be translated into 3d emergent systems thereby creating a personalised dna large scale sculpture.


Once built this space with unique patterns and shapes would move around as you move around, based on your dna. These shapes will be changed via motion and sensor control. The sensor ie, camera tracking position control, temperature control will mediate the flow of data output onto the displays. The work focuses the merging of the human interface with new architectural philosophies, networked intelligent data and new materiality.

So far, Stanza has established links and partnerships with UCL, and also Vector Foiltec Architecture. A number of specific DNA tests have been carried out for the artist by scientist Mandy Fisher at Hammersmith Hospital, and these tests have given him his own DNA data to begin work with.

See his now legendary Genomixer project, an online artworks inspired by the human genome sequence and developed from dna profiles which were sequenced from his own blood. He also "infected" with his DNA website like the one of the BBC, the ICA and the Tate .

Check also: Peter Yeadon's Transgenic Zoo.