Lauren Cornell:

New exhibition by London-based curator Hanne Mugaas

- Glassbox, Paris

GIVING PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT - GLASSBOX, PARIS Curated by Hanne Mugaas and Ida Ekblad

*********************************** ***************************************** **** Takeshi Murata | Cory Arcangel | Marius Engh | Fredrik Soderberg | Michael Bell-Smith | Anders Nordby | Paper Rad | Ida Ekblad | Fayçal Baghriche | Jonas Ohlsson | Lars Laumann | Jean-Paul Newman | Lina Viste Groenli | Are Mokkelbost | Daniel Jensen | Matthieu Clainchard |

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May 25th 2006 - from 18.00 The project is a commission by The Comissariat

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*Question notions of the object, of authorship and distribution*

*To arrange and rearrange information is to personally or administratively produce or document history*

Either using real documents, close copies or absolute fakes, information exist to create meaning and commentary inside or beyond context. Truth and evidence may be questioned, but the information is still there. We have entered a culture of choice, emphasizing the importance of availability; how to choose, arrange and use. Distribute. Being an expert means to be confident there is always an easier way to do it, that there is always a more direct confrontation with reality which might yield an interesting spin-off, that there is always the possibility of an incalculable effect, which might turn everything upside down.

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113bis, rue Oberkampf Paris 11ème · M° Parmentier/Ménilmontant t 01 43 38 02 82 · ouvert du vendredi au dimanche de 15h à 19h

Glassbox bénéficie du soutien du Ministère de la Culture (Drac Ile-de-France), le Café Charbon, le Nouveau Casino et l'Espace Paul Ricard.

le commissariat : 13 passage Sainte Anne Popincourt. paris 11ème

*********************************** ***************************************** **** Attached: Video still; "Proof that Paul McCartney is already Dead" by Cory Arcangel.

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