ACM Multimedia Arts Program Call for Art/Papers
Alejandro Jaimes:


ACM Multimedia 2006 Interactive Arts Program
Santa Barbara, California (USA), October 22-28, 2006

EXTENDED DEADLINE **** June 1, 2006 ****

Sponsored by ACM SIGMM. In collaboration with Leonardo.
Supported by Intel.

ACM Multimedia is the premier annual multimedia conference. The ACM MM Interactive Arts Program brings together the arts and multimedia communities to create the stage to explore, discuss, and push the limits for the advancement of both multimedia technology through the arts, and the arts through multimedia technology.

We invite artists working with digital media and researchers in technical areas to submit their original contributions to the following two tracks:

*CONFERENCE*: papers describing interactive multimedia artworks, tools, applications, and technical approaches for creative uses of multimedia content and technology. We particularly encourage papers with a strong technical content written by artists, as well as technical papers with a strong art component.

* MULTIMEDIA ART EXHIBITION*: "Remote: Networked Realities & Prospective Locative Hacks." We seek multimedia artworks that raise issues related communication (human-human, human-computer-human, etc.) and that place a strong emphasis on the role of the notion of awareness, be it cultural, linguistic, network-centric, spatial or geospatial. The emphasis for the exhibition is on interactive art works that realize powerful artistic concepts using multimedia content and technologies. Emerging and established artists are strongly encouraged to submit.

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Multimedia Conference proceedings and a selection of the works accepted will be published in a Leonardo Gallery in the Leonardo Journal and on line in the Leonardo Electronic Almanac.

All submissions (short papers, long papers, and art works) are due JUNE 1, 2006
(firm, extended deadline!).

** Please see the website for details on conference topics, exhibition, etc.
Please direct any inquiries to


Alejandro Jaimes, FXPAL Japan, Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd.George Legrady, University of California, Santa Barbara, Lonce Wyse, Institute for Infocomm Research & NUS, Singapore

JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Marko Peljhan, University of California, Santa Barbara
G. Legrady, L. Wyse, A. Jaimes