
Year of Japan

As part of its "Year of Japan," Sonar presents Sonarama 2006, featuring two of the brightest stars in the firmament of Japanese electronic culture, Ryoji Ikeda and Toshio Iwai. "Datamatics", the new audiovisual project by Ikeda, and TENORI-ON, a digital musical instrument created by Iwai for the XXIst century, constitute a unique opportunity to assess the future of the new media in relation to advanced music. Along with this event, increasingly popular participatory communities such as Freesound, FlxER or, as well as open-source creative platforms such as Arduino, Supercollider or Blender will also play a prominent role. And all of this without sacrificing a selection of the most innovative proposals taking place within our borders, as represented by AB, Arbol + Obionlab, La Màquina de Turing, Raw and Earth, Wind and Firewire.

Sonarama focuses on the latest developments in new media. Among this year's activities will be the usual concerts, installations, and technology demonstrations as well as medialabs and software presentations. For a few years now, Sonarama's has been held at the Centre d´Art Santa Mónica, the setting for the programmed activities of Sonar by Day. Centre D'art Santa Mònica (Rambla de Santa Mònica, 7) >From 12:00 to 22:00. 15, 16 and 17 June.