Playing in Manchester
FutureSonic 2006 || Urban Play
Manchester, UK
20-23 July

"Imagine a world where the city is a digital canvas, the street a gallery, performances happening in a thousand moving places at once. There are art forms out there, struggling into the light, and a new kind of festival.

This is where people take over the city and use the technology that surrounds us for creative, experimental, challenging ends. Some call this media art, others locative media. We call it urban play.

OFF THE MAP Lose yourself in the glitches as you glide over the deserts and canyons of Arizona, collaborate to remix the sounds of your city, get lost in Manchester for the weekend! Includes world premiers and UK-firsts.

INSTRUMENT An exhibition of artist-made instruments, noise generators, image manipulators, head twisters. Featuring sCrAmBlEd?HaCkZ!, Toshio Iwai, Zachery Lieberman, Victor Gama and many others.

SOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES SUMMIT AND MORE Explore the creative, political and social potential of new technologies. Conferences and artist talks include the Social Technologies Summit; PLAN conference ft. Masaki Fujihata, Atau Tanaka and more.

GET INVOLVED Be a part of the festival... join international and local artists, get skilled up in workshops, or get your hands dirty in participatory events."

Thanks Drew!