

Roger Malina, Michael Naimark, Gerfried Stocker, Amy Alexander, Lab_au y Christa Sommerer y Laurent Mignonneau--This month we have published a new series of video-interviews in Artnodes with various international experts revising the last digital art and electronic art period, analysing its development until now, where is it coming from and where is it focusing on.

This wide cross section of experts gives us the opportunity for a different points of view analyze. We count on the intervention of Roger Malina, Director of Leonardo, telling us about international networks in Internet, and also about the creation and development of Leonardo as part of them; Gerfried Stocker, Director of Ars Electronica and Digital Artist, who points up the importance on offering a digital art history revision in order to analyze its development; Michael Naimark, Digital Artist with more than 25 years of art experience, he has been a witness to very crucial moments in the development of new media; Christa Sommerer y Laurent Mignonneau, Digital Artists, with them we looked through the relation between art, new technologies and nature; Manuel Abendroth y Els Vermang, members of Lab_au, Laboratory of architecture and urbanism, with special interest in language and new terminologies in the new media; and Amy Alexander, one of the pioneer artist of net art, is telling us about the context within she made her first art works in internet and its development until now.