The Blue Vein, Secret Zen Garden, etc.

A slide show (NY Times) of commisioned pieces from the collection of Ohio art collector Andy Stillpass, one of America's most radical and eclectic contemporary-art collectors. This is what happens if you decide to spend your fortune by having artists run around your place rearranging books, filling drawers, painting the house, etc.

Rob Pruitt's Idea No. 22 Fill a desk drawer with gravel and make a secret Zen garden (1999):

Secret Zen Garden

Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster rearranged a bookshelf to create The Blue Vein (1993) and Rirkrit Tiravanija later countered her with The Red Threat (1994-96):

The Blue Vein

Related: There is Nothing Wrong in This Whole Wide World (photos/description) was a 2004 public installation at Adobe Bookshop in San Francisco. The store allowed its 20,000 books to be reclassified by color. McSweeney's interviewed Chris Cobb, the idea man behind the event. (thx, Stephen)